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Through partnerships within our legacy database and professional network, we help organizations leverage modern processes to solve recruiting challenges for critical needs. We have a successful track record for building and recruiting high-value, high-performing teams and utilize one of the most sophisticated models in the industry for delivery with specialized expertise.

A Client-Specific consulting search begins with an in-person consultation regarding Strategy and Execution along with other topics for their business-critical projects. This might be acquisition preparation, compensation plans with validation schedules, perpetuation plan strategy transformation; organizations need specialized people with expertise in specific areas to remain competitive. Through our unique personnel educated in a way only years of experience can teach someone, we are committed to supporting our clients with a full consulting services suite. Individual consultants with specialized skills have the benefit of continuing education on an ongoing basis. And they educate themselves daily by connecting with individuals all over the country and internationally to some extent while offering managed services and end-to-end project delivery. We can bridge critical gaps in resources – supporting stakeholders and leaders with significant transactions, transitions, and strategic initiatives, allowing them to focus on core business.


Lift-Outs: A great way to acquire a High-Functioning Team or Group


MGMT's representative and the leader of the targeted team meet to discuss and compare their plans to determine if the proposed hire is, indeed, a good idea. Assuming similarities are there, they move on to define each other's goals and discuss strategies for accomplishing them. The dialogue at this stage is not about the Candidates salary or contracts but constitutes due diligence.


Companies with a desire to expand quickly into a new geographic or functional area often merge with or acquire other teams, groups, or companies. But the risks of such moves are well-known, and the success rates can be dismal without experienced professionals' assistance. Of course, companies themselves can only build capability by making strategic individual hires organically one by one. This process is much slower than a mass acquisition of talent. One never knows whether an assortment of individual stars will work together effectively once they find themselves in different conditions and resources that made them successful previously. Star performers do not operate in a vacuum; they act as part of a team, and their success stems at least in part from their relationships.


An advantageous alternative that is caught attention in recent years is called a lift out, which in this case was hiring a high-functioning group. These individuals have likely worked together for an extended period and adjust and adapt to the new environment quickly.


The first high-profile team move was in 1946 that team revolutionized and quantified the business of strategic management.


Today, lift-outs are increasingly common in many different Professional-Services & Industries—Lawyers, Advertising agencies, Investment bankers, Consulting firms, the Insurance industry, General Management, and even Specialist in Medicine. The quick ramp-up without the logistical and psychological stresses of a full-blown acquisition or the sociodynamics challenges when creating teams from scratch. The advantages are limitless when considering the impact of long-standing relationships, the trust established, and how that would help an experienced team make a result faster than a group of people brought together for the first time individually.


There is no need for team members to get acquainted or establish shared values, mutual accountability, or group norms. Instead, the team can hit the ground running and help the company as business opportunities arise. Acquire the right team, and you may get not only cohesive, plug-and-play talent but also valuable external relationships that can contribute, learning opportunities for existing staff, and the chance for bragging rights over a typical competitor.


A right lift-out can even inflict financial or competitive damage on a rival. When an organization loses a great leader and multiple members of that department to a competitor, it can initiate a chain reaction in other departments. In cases like these, a team or a group's sudden departure can lead to a response like premature internal promotions. These situations can force a company to poach from a competing institution, causing problems with awkward integrations and then struggling to win over the recruits and maybe even costly litigation.


Tuck-Ins: A lower cost for a significant advantage

Often referred to as a "bolt-on acquisition," it is a type of acquisition where the acquiring company will merge with the acquired company, group, or entity, creating a division for the acquired organization.


Tuck-In obtains a significant advantage at a lower cost than typically would be required to implement the changes on its own. A booming tuck-in increases revenues, broaden the acquiring group's capabilities, and extends their resources.

A corporate strategy for any of these types of acquisitions is generally used to acquire teams, groups, companies with valuable resources that would be beneficial additions. These resources are things like complimentary product or market lines, proprietary technology, and intellectual property.


An ideal target for a Tuck-in or even a Roll-in acquisition is a smaller company with limited growth possible but has valuable resources. These are often Independent operations that have performed very well but have grown to a peak that will inevitably plateau. Even though they have managed to encompass some valuable and attractive resources, they still lack the infrastructure needed to exhibit growth. There is a need for capital investment and shared infrastructure costs. By Tuck-in or Roll-in, it can make both organizations better and able to grow well beyond what they would be independent of each other.

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